Jim has been a practicing acupuncturist since 1987. He co-founded The Center for Healing Arts in Westminster, Maryland, a holistic healing center, in 1987. After leaving the Westminster center in 2009, he created the Samara Healing Center,(http://samarahealingcenter.com) a holistic and day retreat center, in Taneytown Maryland. In addition to his acupuncture training, Jim has training in shamanic healing and other energetic based hands-on therapies. He also is certified in the Deep Memory process developed by Dr. Roger Woolger, and the I Am Light training program developed by Susan Waters at Peace Valley Sanctuary in Caddo Gap, Arkansas.
A lifelong musician and multi instrumentalist, Jim completed the Healing Sounds Intensive with Jon and Andi Goldman in 2013. He began incorporating sound therapies into his healing practice that same year along with his son,Paul.(http://www.paullthomas.bandcamp.com) Together they created a bi monthly sound healing clinic, improvising music centered around the use of a vibro-acoustic table(www.vibroacoustic.org). In addition they created the Sounds of Spirit, sound healing ensemble, playing shamanic trance music for larger groups in the mid Atlantic region. They released a CD, Music for the Inner Journey, Live Performance Collection,(www.soundsofspiritmusic.bandcamp.com ) in 2017.